Taiwan Spree Orders

Taking In Orders As Usual!!

Please send in your Taiwan orders to scarletwardrobe@gmail.com

Item Name:
Item Url: (please click into buy now)
Amt in NTD

Total Amt in NTD * 1.08 + (no. of items * the respective shipping) / 20.5 = Total in SGD

No closing date is on-going. No caps.

Orders can be sent in immediately after receiving payment.

Shipment will be arranged every 2 weeks

*Collection strictly by postage*

Taiwan Spree Only

Taiwan Spree Running Again.

Sorry folks but I ran out hair extensions already..

But do send in your order for orders from any Taiwan Websites.

Item Name: (copy and paste in chinese)
Item Url:
Colour/ size: (if applicable)
Amt in NTD:

Calculation: Amt in NTD * 1.08 + (no. of items * NT55) / 20.5 = Amt in SGD

If have queries, please email me scarletwardrobe@gmail.com

Shipping may take 4 to 6 weeks for pre-order items.